[Scons-users] more Java scons3 issues...
Mats Wichmann
2017-12-15 17:55:34 UTC
I'm running into this:

Code snippet:

jdk_env.Java(target='classes', source=['src/main/java'])
example_jar = jdk_env.Jar(target='simpleclientserver.jar',
source=['classes', 'MANIFEST.MF'],

When run on 2.5.1, as expected (since the above stanza was adjusted
until it worked - 'classes' is in the source instead of the built
classes due to the Java() problem that it can't always reliably detect
what javac will emit, the case described in
http://scons.tigris.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=2547 being in play here)

jar cfm
java/examples-java/simpleclientserver/MANIFEST.MF -C
out/linux/x86_64/debug/java/examples-java/simpleclientserver/classes .

When run on 3.0.1:

jar cfm
java/examples-java/simpleclientserver/MANIFEST.MF -C
out/linux/x86_64/debug/java/examples-java/simpleclientserver/classes .
-C out/linux/x86_64/debug/java/examples-java/simpleclientserver/classes
org -C
org/iotivity -C
org/iotivity/base -C
java.util.zip.ZipException: duplicate entry: org/

After some experimentation, it looks like this problem is taken care of
if I drop in the latest Tool/jar.py from github:

jar cf
-C out/linux/x86_64/debug/java/examples-java/simpleclientserver/classes .

but... now the manifest isn't being included.

Bill Deegan
2017-12-16 21:12:24 UTC

I see you're filing a bug for this.
If you check the bug filing policy we ask that you wait for someone to
approve filing a new bug to prevent duplicates, etc from filling up the bug

Have you tried the lastest changes in the master branch?
There are some new Java fixes in there since 3.0.1..

Post by Mats Wichmann
jdk_env.Java(target='classes', source=['src/main/java'])
example_jar = jdk_env.Jar(target='simpleclientserver.jar',
source=['classes', 'MANIFEST.MF'],
When run on 2.5.1, as expected (since the above stanza was adjusted
until it worked - 'classes' is in the source instead of the built
classes due to the Java() problem that it can't always reliably detect
what javac will emit, the case described in
http://scons.tigris.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=2547 being in play here)
jar cfm
java/examples-java/simpleclientserver/MANIFEST.MF -C
out/linux/x86_64/debug/java/examples-java/simpleclientserver/classes .
jar cfm
java/examples-java/simpleclientserver/MANIFEST.MF -C
out/linux/x86_64/debug/java/examples-java/simpleclientserver/classes .
-C out/linux/x86_64/debug/java/examples-java/simpleclientserver/classes
org -C
org/iotivity -C
org/iotivity/base -C
java.util.zip.ZipException: duplicate entry: org/
After some experimentation, it looks like this problem is taken care of
jar cf
-C out/linux/x86_64/debug/java/examples-java/simpleclientserver/classes .
but... now the manifest isn't being included.
Scons-users mailing list
Mats Wichmann
2017-12-16 22:19:06 UTC
Post by Bill Deegan
I see you're filing a bug for this.
If you check the bug filing policy we ask that you wait for someone to
approve filing a new bug to prevent duplicates, etc from filling up the bug
Have you tried the lastest changes in the master branch?
There are some new Java fixes in there since 3.0.1..
I've checked for duplication, but this is effectively new code. pre-3.0
code in jar.py did not do anything like this. The post 3.0.1 jar.py
changes help other problems I have, but not this one.

The problem is in a simple check, os.path.isfile(), which is not safe to
do in the context of a variant dir (without copying), because the source
files in the working/variant directory exist only in the mind of SCons,
not Python. As noted in the bug, I don't at the moment know how to apply
a transformation to convert back to the source directory in the context
in which the tool runs, so figured it was best to document it.

Bill Deegan
2017-12-16 22:45:21 UTC
Did you try the current head of the master branch?
Post by Mats Wichmann
Post by Bill Deegan
I see you're filing a bug for this.
If you check the bug filing policy we ask that you wait for someone to
approve filing a new bug to prevent duplicates, etc from filling up the
Post by Bill Deegan
Have you tried the lastest changes in the master branch?
There are some new Java fixes in there since 3.0.1..
I've checked for duplication, but this is effectively new code. pre-3.0
code in jar.py did not do anything like this. The post 3.0.1 jar.py
changes help other problems I have, but not this one.
The problem is in a simple check, os.path.isfile(), which is not safe to
do in the context of a variant dir (without copying), because the source
files in the working/variant directory exist only in the mind of SCons,
not Python. As noted in the bug, I don't at the moment know how to apply
a transformation to convert back to the source directory in the context
in which the tool runs, so figured it was best to document it.
Scons-users mailing list
Mats Wichmann
2017-12-16 23:13:07 UTC
Post by Bill Deegan
Did you try the current head of the master branch?
Post by Mats Wichmann
The post 3.0.1 jar.py
changes help other problems I have, but not this one.
Daniel Moody
2017-12-29 06:56:35 UTC
Hey Mats,

I am looking into this issue, where does the MANIFEST.MF file exist at the
start of the build relative to the Scons file you mentioned above?

What is your VariantDir call look like?

Best regards
Post by Mats Wichmann
Post by Bill Deegan
Did you try the current head of the master branch?
Post by Mats Wichmann
The post 3.0.1 jar.py
changes help other problems I have, but not this one.
Scons-users mailing list
Daniel Moody
2017-12-29 07:47:44 UTC
Can you check out the changes from this pull request and see if it fixes
your issue?

Post by Daniel Moody
Hey Mats,
I am looking into this issue, where does the MANIFEST.MF file exist at the
start of the build relative to the Scons file you mentioned above?
What is your VariantDir call look like?
Best regards
Post by Mats Wichmann
Post by Bill Deegan
Did you try the current head of the master branch?
Post by Mats Wichmann
The post 3.0.1 jar.py
changes help other problems I have, but not this one.
Scons-users mailing list
Mats Wichmann
2017-12-29 17:43:43 UTC
Post by Daniel Moody
Can you check out the changes from this pull request and see if it fixes
your issue?
I will try this presently. I was exploring something down this path
earlier with the same thinking. My experiments indicated that the
conversion to File fails only if the string refers to an existing
directory (i.e. you still get a node even if the string does not refer
to an existing file), so while it looks likely to work for our case of
having a manifest file plus already-generated classfiles, it would
prevent the code from hitting the later part of the loop - lines 206 and
later in your patched version. I don't have proof of that conjecture at
this point, and will update here when I get a chance to test.
Post by Daniel Moody
Post by Daniel Moody
Hey Mats,
I am looking into this issue, where does the MANIFEST.MF file exist at the
start of the build relative to the Scons file you mentioned above?
What is your VariantDir call look like?
Best regards
Post by Mats Wichmann
Post by Bill Deegan
Did you try the current head of the master branch?
Post by Mats Wichmann
The post 3.0.1 jar.py
changes help other problems I have, but not this one.
Scons-users mailing list
Scons-users mailing list
Daniel Moody
2017-12-29 19:15:03 UTC
Hey mats,

I think you might be right, actually the last part was to catch the nodes
that passed through python isfile or isdir checks previously, so now it may
not be needed.

There are cases where it gets passed the two trys added in the PR which I
can tell from the swig tests which hit the ".i" extension check, but I am
going to investigate the ordering of checks in that PR because it doesn't
seem like it should be able to get passed the two tries.

Best regards
Post by Mats Wichmann
Post by Daniel Moody
Can you check out the changes from this pull request and see if it fixes
your issue?
I will try this presently. I was exploring something down this path
earlier with the same thinking. My experiments indicated that the
conversion to File fails only if the string refers to an existing
directory (i.e. you still get a node even if the string does not refer
to an existing file), so while it looks likely to work for our case of
having a manifest file plus already-generated classfiles, it would
prevent the code from hitting the later part of the loop - lines 206 and
later in your patched version. I don't have proof of that conjecture at
this point, and will update here when I get a chance to test.
Post by Daniel Moody
Post by Daniel Moody
Hey Mats,
I am looking into this issue, where does the MANIFEST.MF file exist at
Post by Daniel Moody
Post by Daniel Moody
start of the build relative to the Scons file you mentioned above?
What is your VariantDir call look like?
Best regards
Post by Mats Wichmann
Post by Bill Deegan
Did you try the current head of the master branch?
Post by Mats Wichmann
The post 3.0.1 jar.py
changes help other problems I have, but not this one.
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