[Scons-users] scons 3.0.1
Rob Boehne
2018-06-26 22:57:36 UTC

I noticed while trying out 3.0.1 (upgrading from 2.5.1) that my Copy builders stop things dead because they no longer create the subdirectories they want to copy files into. I would have submitted a bug report earlier, but I have been too busy and hopeful that I’d get the time – sadly I haven’t. But in this case, the problem is so easy to explain, maybe that won’t be required –

Here is a snippet taken out of context:

for icon in glob.glob(jv_resources_dir + '/*.gif') + glob.glob(jv_resources_dir + '/*.bmp'):
env.Command('$SAMPLEBUILDDIR/main/resources/com/datalogics/pdfl/javaviewer/Resources/' +
os.path.basename(icon), icon, Copy('$TARGET', '$SOURCE'))

And this will create the target directory and copy the “.gif” files in SCons 2.5.1, but fails in 3.0.1. It seems to be platform independent as well.




Rob Boehne
Senior Software Architect | Datalogics, Inc.
+1.312.853.8351<tel:(312)%20853-8351> | ***@datalogics.com<mailto:***@datalogics.com>
datalogics.com<http://www.datalogics.com/> | blogs.datalogics.com<http://blogs.datalogics.com/>

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Bill Deegan
2018-06-26 23:17:37 UTC

What version of python are you running 3.0.1 with?

Post by Rob Boehne
I noticed while trying out 3.0.1 (upgrading from 2.5.1) that my Copy
builders stop things dead because they no longer create the subdirectories
they want to copy files into. I would have submitted a bug report earlier,
but I have been too busy and hopeful that I’d get the time – sadly I
haven’t. But in this case, the problem is so easy to explain, maybe that
won’t be required –
for icon in glob.glob(jv_resources_dir + '/*.gif') +
com/datalogics/pdfl/javaviewer/Resources/' +
os.path.basename(icon), icon,
Copy('$TARGET', '$SOURCE'))
And this will create the target directory and copy the “.gif” files in
SCons 2.5.1, but fails in 3.0.1. It seems to be platform independent as
*Rob Boehne*
Senior Software Architect | Datalogics, Inc.
datalogics.com <http://www.datalogics.com/> | blogs.datalogics.com
Connect with us: Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/DatalogicsInc> |
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Rob Boehne
2018-06-26 23:19:09 UTC
I’ve used both 2.7 and 3.6 – IIRC I saw the same symptom with either.

From: Scons-users <scons-users-***@scons.org> on behalf of Bill Deegan <***@baddogconsulting.com>
Reply-To: SCons users mailing list <scons-***@scons.org>
Date: Tuesday, June 26, 2018 at 6:17 PM
To: SCons users mailing list <scons-***@scons.org>
Subject: Re: [Scons-users] scons 3.0.1


What version of python are you running 3.0.1 with?


On Tue, Jun 26, 2018 at 3:57 PM, Rob Boehne <***@datalogics.com<mailto:***@datalogics.com>> wrote:

I noticed while trying out 3.0.1 (upgrading from 2.5.1) that my Copy builders stop things dead because they no longer create the subdirectories they want to copy files into. I would have submitted a bug report earlier, but I have been too busy and hopeful that I’d get the time – sadly I haven’t. But in this case, the problem is so easy to explain, maybe that won’t be required –

Here is a snippet taken out of context:

for icon in glob.glob(jv_resources_dir + '/*.gif') + glob.glob(jv_resources_dir + '/*.bmp'):
env.Command('$SAMPLEBUILDDIR/main/resources/com/datalogics/pdfl/javaviewer/Resources/' +
os.path.basename(icon), icon, Copy('$TARGET', '$SOURCE'))

And this will create the target directory and copy the “.gif” files in SCons 2.5.1, but fails in 3.0.1. It seems to be platform independent as well.




Rob Boehne
Senior Software Architect | Datalogics, Inc.
+1.312.853.8351<tel:(312)%20853-8351> | ***@datalogics.com<mailto:***@datalogics.com>
datalogics.com<http://www.datalogics.com/> | blogs.datalogics.com<http://blogs.datalogics.com/>

Connect with us: Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/DatalogicsInc> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/DatalogicsInc> | LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/company/datalogics?actionToken=p=p%3Dbiz-company-login%26c%3D3217e65a-bdc2-4b38-8f9c-13c982e8c529%26m%3Dcompany_feed%26n%3D0&t=a%3DisFolloweeOfPoster%253Dfalse%2526distanceFromActor%253D-1%2526actorType%253D%2526likedByUser%253Dfalse%2526targetId%253D%2526recentCommentUrns%253D%2526targetType%253D%2526sponsoredFlag%253DORGANIC%2526verbType%253Dlinkedin%25253Ashare%2526objectType%253Dlinkedin%25253Aarticle%2526totalShares%253D0%2526activityId%253Durn%25253Ali%25253Aactivity%25253A6263731876121362433%2526recentLikerUrns%253D%2526actorId%253Durn%25253Ali%25253Acompany%25253A14000%2526totalComments%253D0%2526relevanceScore%253D0.0%2526recentCommenterUrns%253D%2526isPublic%253Dtrue%2526time%253D-1%2526totalLikes%253D0%2526objectId%253Durn%25253Ali%25253Aarticle%25253A7793179909183391510%2526distanceFromNestedActor%253D-1%26s%3DORG> | YouTube<https://www.youtube.com/user/Datalogics>

Scons-users mailing list
Bill Deegan
2018-06-26 23:33:41 UTC
Is it reproducable in something simple?
1 file copied to non-existant dir?
Post by Rob Boehne
I’ve used both 2.7 and 3.6 – IIRC I saw the same symptom with either.
*Date: *Tuesday, June 26, 2018 at 6:17 PM
*Subject: *Re: [Scons-users] scons 3.0.1
What version of python are you running 3.0.1 with?
I noticed while trying out 3.0.1 (upgrading from 2.5.1) that my Copy
builders stop things dead because they no longer create the subdirectories
they want to copy files into. I would have submitted a bug report earlier,
but I have been too busy and hopeful that I’d get the time – sadly I
haven’t. But in this case, the problem is so easy to explain, maybe that
won’t be required –
for icon in glob.glob(jv_resources_dir + '/*.gif') +
com/datalogics/pdfl/javaviewer/Resources/' +
os.path.basename(icon), icon,
Copy('$TARGET', '$SOURCE'))
And this will create the target directory and copy the “.gif” files in
SCons 2.5.1, but fails in 3.0.1. It seems to be platform independent as
*Rob Boehne*
Senior Software Architect | Datalogics, Inc.
datalogics.com <http://www.datalogics.com/> | blogs.datalogics.com
Connect with us: Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/DatalogicsInc> |
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| YouTube <https://www.youtube.com/user/Datalogics>
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